Synergi Water helps improve water quality with four new core modules

The new release of DNV GL’s Synergi Water will include four modules that have previously been separately licensed. The addition of these modules – Unidirectional Flushing, Pipe Design, Calibration and Pump Scheduling – supports Synergi Water’s position as a uniquely comprehensive, efficient and data smart water modelling solution.

Synergi Water – discoloration paths are highlighted for each flushing sequence.

Comprehensive water modelling application

“With this release, Synergi Water is taking yet another step toward helping our users improve and maintain water quality standards,” says Kyle Williams, Product Manager, DNV GL - Digital Solutions. “We are providing additional intelligence which also increases and improves customer transparency,” he says.

Today, many water utilities are using various tools from different software vendors, in addition to their own in-house tools. Now all existing and new users of Synergi Water can use one application for many different needs, including water quality analysis, adding significant value.

The four modules that are now included in the basic package for Synergi Water provide essential tools for water utilities. For example, the Unidirectional Flushing module is an important tool for many water companies with aging infrastructure, which affects water quality. An improperly performed flushing program could lead to customer complaints or exposure to regulatory fines.

An analysis run in Synergi Water will indicate which valves to open and close to minimize discolouration during pipeline flushing, and also minimize the amount of water used for flushing. According to widely available research, using these tools can reduce the amount of water for flushing by over 40%.

Minimizing energy costs with Synergi Water

Another module now included in the basic package, Pump Scheduling, helps minimize energy cost as it performs an analysis of which pumps should operate and for how long for maximum savings according to fluctuating power rates.

“This addition of four modules to Synergi Water provides added value and improved sustainability and efficiency to our customers,” says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV GL. “Maintaining high water quality and minimizing water usage and waste in aging infrastructures is crucial for water utilities,” he says.

Simultaneous with the most recent release of Synergi Water, DNV GL is releasing a new, separately licensed module, LIQT, for water hammer analysis. LIQT is a powerful tool for analysing liquid transients as a result of pump shutdowns or valve operations.

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